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Biking for better Health in Zambia. Lianne, Jessica and Bill rode the Tour d'Afrique.

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Hello I’m Bill Nelems. I am a Thoracic Surgeon, living in Kelowna British Columbia. Some of my friends and family members have founded an organization called the Okanagan Zambia Health Initiative Log on to check us out. We support capacity building and educational needs of health care workers in Zambia. Our two focus areas are Lusaka the capital city and all of Western Province. The Tour d’Afrique began their annual trek from Cairo to Cape Town on January 16, 2010. On April 7, 2010, when they reached Lilongwe, Malawi, Lianne, Jessica and I joined them. We rode to raise funds that will be given exclusively to our organization. We will be paying for our own trip expenses. This blog hopes to catch the events of our trip………… The Tour d'Afrique reached Cape Town on May 15, 2010 completing our journey....


Follow us on the Tour d'Afrique. Lilongwe, Malawi to Cape Town, South Africa.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lianne and a few of her friends........ click photo


Hey.. It's Lianne.. also checking in from Mongu

When I was a kid I enjoyed going for strolls around the block on my banana seated Strawberry Shortcake bike. It was a way for me to occupy my time and spend quality time with my friends and neighbours.

Now that I am almost 25 years old the face of biking has changed for me…or has it? I enjoy taking my bicycle for a stroll down by the river having the air whip at my hair and the beautiful scenery all around me as I take my bike down a new path on the search for a new adventure. When I look back and relate my experience of biking as a child on the banana seat to me on my much smaller seat now, I see the same excitement and joy, the same yearning to find a new adventure!

The beautiful thing about biking is how practical yet versatile it can be. It can fit almost any lifestyle. I enjoy biking to work – it is economic, cuts down on transmissions, and fits with my hippy side of life. I enjoy the exercise – it creates endorphins after a stressful day and helps with the guilty feelings you may feel after eating those Timbits. I enjoy the rush – downhill biking allows me to feel the rush as I manoeuvre my bike through trees and up and down ramps. I enjoy the challenge – pushing myself to bike from Lilongwe, Malawi to Victoria Falls is something I never doubted biking could do, but something I never saw myself caring out. Once again, biking is taking me on a new adventure.

I was recently training for this bike ride in Inuvik, NWT. The one gym in town was open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After a shift I would head to the gym and ride for 1-3 hours. I would sit there and watch the gym community at large “climbing Kilimanjaro” on my bike. A month ago I arrived in Mongu, Zambia. Awaiting me was 9 Canadian nursing students, two instructors, and 13 yellow Zambikes. I must admit in the first few weeks the bikese didn’t see much of me. However in the last 3 weeks I have been biking almost daily and remember the pure joy of biking. It has also reminded me how HOT it is in Africa! Nonetheless, I am ecstatic to embark on this journey with my good friends Jessica and Bill. It won’t be easy, but we will do our best to have as much fun and as many adventures as possible!
